26 January 2009


I now have a Flickr Pro account, which means unlimited uploads! (Hooray belated birthday presents! Thanks to Mom & Dad!) So expect more pictures in the next couple days...including some goofy inauguration silliness.

Also, that means if you want to download a photo to view at your leisure minus internet connection or to print out or to do whatever it is that people do with photographs, you also have to option to download the original file - that is, the size that the picture was when I took it instead of the tiny compressed version that the free Flickr account gives you. (Just click on the photo you want, then at the top of the photo there should be a little button that says "All sizes".)

Pretty cool, right? I thought so.

Not much else to report...I've been doing a bunch of mundane but necessary things I won't bore you with. Been walking in the park across the street, though, which is nice. Also, the temperature got to 80 today. :)

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